Clear Sky Software PC
A new version of Clear Sky has been released. The software update should complete within 20 minutes if the CSSIUtilityService has not been stopped on the PC. Users may notice the Clear Sky icon(s) on the desktop disappear then reappear, indicating that the update has completed.
If the machine fails to update, contact your IT Manager and ask that they troubleshoot the issue.
IT Managers Troubleshooting Guide
1. Restart the CSSIUtilityService on the PC.
2. Check the PC settings.
a. Open the Settings Editor app.
b. Select Open and browse to the CSSIUtilityService folder.
c. Select the CSSIUtilityService.config file
d. Verify the CSSIUtilityService/UserID Setting Value. If the Setting Value is System@local, contact Clear Sky for the correct setting value. Type in the correct value and save.
e. Click Open in the Settings Editor window and browse to the System folder.
f. Select the system.config file.
g. Verify that the ServiceEndpointName is InventoryEndpointGzipSecure. Edit if needed.
h. Verify that the ServiceEndpointAddress is Edit if needed.
i. Click Save if changes were made.
j. Exit the Settings Editor
k. Wait up to 20 minutes for Clear Sky to update. Users may notice the Clear Sky icon(s) on the desktop disappear then reappear, indicating that the update has completed.
Crystal Reports was not installed on the PC.
Contact your IT Manager and ask that the appropriate version of Crystal Reports be installed from one of the links below.
The machine is trying to connect to a server on the local network that does not exist. The machine settings must be changed so it can connect to the Hosted server. Contact your IT Manager or Clear Sky Support
Request access from a user at the property that has rights to add users to the system.
Clear Sky Support Staff can also add and edit users, but cannot do so without the approval of an IT Manager, General Manager, or Director. Email the following information to and we can request approval to set-up a new Clear Sky sign in.
Contact info of the GM or Director –
The user’s first and last name –
The user’s Windows sign in –
The access requested (Full rights, Purchasing rights, or Basic rights) –
Hosted customers can email Clear Sky Support at asking that their password be reset. Support Staff will reset your password and email your new temporary password.
On-premise customers should call Support @ 704-554-6300 Option 1. Clear Sky Support Staff can set up an online session with you to reset your password.
Contact Clear Sky Support @ 704-554-6300 Option 1 to find out if any licenses are available.
If there are licenses that are not assigned or are inactive, Support can provide your Installation Manager with the installation media and instructions for installing the software on an approved PC.
If all licenses are in use, Support can request that your Clear Sky Software sales representative provide a quote for an additional license.
Minimum Requirements can be found by clicking the following link.
Shelf labels are 1″ x 2-5/8″ with 3 columns of 10 on each sheet.
Receiving labels can be configured in Application Settings to be the same size as shelf labels or 1/2″ x 1″ with 4 columns of 20 on each sheet.
Some of the options are: Avery 5260 or Avery 5967 or their equivalent
The count has probably not been reconciled, was reconciled as the incorrect type (Partial or Full), or the period was closed with the counts excluded.
Follow the steps below to reconcile the count or contact Clear Sky Support at 704-554-6300 (press 1 for Support)
1. Select Inventory Tools
2. Select Unreconciled Locations
3. Select the location to reconcile
4. Select the inventory type (Full or Partial)
5. Click Search
6. Review the product counts listed on the Mismatches, Missed Products, and Matches tabs
7. Make any necessary edits
8. Click Reconcile
1. Enter all invoices.
2. Enter all product issues and returns.
3. Complete Event transactions and close all Events not in future periods.
4. Hold any receipts or issues for the new period.
5. Datasync all scanners.
6. Count inventory in one location.
7. Datasync the inventory count to the PC (or enter the count manually on the PC).
8. Address Adjustments Required for Uncategorized Products.
9. Review, edit and reconcile the inventory as needed (Full or Partial count).
10. Repeat steps 6-9 for all locations.
11. Review the On Hand Detail and On Hand Summary reports to approve the property’s inventory numbers.
12. Print the On Hand Detail report as needed for spot checks.
13. Make any corrections and edits needed to counts, count values, and dates.
14. Close the period.
15. Print the reports required by management (On Hand Summary, Issue Summary, etc.).
16. Begin entering transactions for the new period.
Failing to close the period will not affect the results of the current reconciled inventory counts and the resulting current on hand reports.
It can affect the results of other reports, such as the reports listing issues and receipts in the open period.
Failing to close accounting periods can also affect the processing speed of transactions and, depending on the number of open transactions, can actually exceed the processing capabilty of a PC if periods are not closed promptly and correctly.
The scanner will not turn on if the power is too low. Charge the scanner for at least 12 hours.
Keep power to the charging cradle or cable and keep the scanner connected when it is not in use. The Scanner Power LED located on the top right of the scanner will be blinking (charging) or solid (fully charged) when the scanner is seated correctly in the cradle or cup.
The scanners are handheld computers and sometimes require a warm reboot if they are not functioning properly. If the battery is charged and users follow the steps below, data saved on the scanner will not be lost.
• Do not remove the battery to reboot the scanner, it can result in loss of data.
• Do verify that USB DataSync cable is securely connected to the PC and cradle.
• Do verify that there is power to the cradle
• Do verify that the scanner is seated correctly in the cradle.
Perform a Scanner Warm Reboot
1. Exit Clear Sky on the PC.
2. Relaunch Clear Sky on the PC and sign in.
3. Remove the scanner from the cradle.
4. Using the stylus, press and continue to press the red power button on the bottom left of the keypad. Do not let go until the screen blanks and a message appears in the upper left of the screen indicating “warm booting”, “Rebooting”, “Release the power button”, or something similar.
5. Release the power button and allow the scanner to reboot.
6. Launch Clear Sky on the scanner.
7. Return the scanner to the cradle.
8. Allow about 15 seconds for the PC to recognize the scanner. Windows Mobile Device Center may or may not open or show connected. The scanner may also display “Resuming from previously incomplete DataSync”
9. Click DataSync on the PC.
If a warm boot of the scanner does not correct the issue, reboot the PC to clear the port and repeat the scanner warm reboot process.
Verify that the scanner is connected to Wi-Fi.
1. On the Home screen, tap the arrow in the middle of the screen to access all apps.
2. Choose Settings (icons are in alphabetical order and Settings looks like a
3. Select the Network and Internet setting and Wi-Fi. Verify that the Wi-Fi is turned on and connected to the appropriate Wi-Fi connection.
4. Return to the Home screen by tapping the circle at the bottom of the scanner screen.
5. Open Clear Sky and datasync.
6. If the scanner does not datasync, reboot the scanner to reestablish the Wi-Fi connection.
7. Hold the power button (top right of the scanner) down until an option to Reboot or Restart is displayed. The screen display and wording may vary depending on the operating system of the scanner.
8. Select Reboot or Restart and allow the scanner to complete the process.
9. Verify that the Wi-Fi is connected (repeat Steps 1-4).
10. Sign in to Clear Sky and datasync.
Verify that the scanner is connected via the Ethernet connection.
1. On the Home screen, tap the arrow in the middle of the screen to access all apps.
2. Choose Settings (icons are in alphabetical order. Settings looks like a gear).
3. Select the Network and Internet setting. Verify that Ethernet is turned on and connected.
4. Return to the Home screen by tapping the circle at the bottom of the scanner screen.
5. Verify that the switch located on top of the cradle adapter (back of the cradle) is slid in the direction of the Ethernet connection port.
6. Open Clear Sky and datasync.
7. If the scanner does not datasync – Reboot the scanner to try to reestablish the connection.
8. With the scanner in the cradle, hold the power button (top right of the scanner) down until an option to Reboot or Restart is displayed. The screen display and wording may vary depending on the operating system of the scanner.
9. Select Reboot or Restart and allow the scanner to complete the process while in the cradle.
10. Verify that the ethernet is connected (repeat Steps 1-5).
11. Open Clear Sky and datasync.
1. Sign in to Clear Sky on the scanner
2. Select System Tools
3. Select Settings
4. Check Mute Sounds
5. Click Save
6. Select Settings again
7. Uncheck Mute Sounds
8. Click Save
9. The scanner will begin emitting alerts going forward.
Multiple scanners can be used to count the same location. There are a few things to consider before beginning the count.
1. Verify Clear Sky is set to “Add Inventory Counts during DataSync”, otherwise one scanner will overwrite the other. To verify…..
A. On the PC…select System Tools
B. Select Application Settings.
C. Locate the setting “Add Inventory Counts during DataSync”.
D. If Setting Value is True, continue to Step 2
E. If Setting Value is False, change it to True. Click Save then close and relaunch Clear Sky to apply the changed setting.
2. Datasync all scanners BEFORE counting to upload the most up-to-date database from the PC.
3. Determine the area/shelf where each user will begin counting. Count the items in the area/shelf assigned as encountered, DO NOT skip around from one area/shelf to another. Before moving to another area/shelf, verify whether or not it has been counted by the other user. Consult with the other user to make sure all area/shelves have been counted before declaring the count complete.
4. Datasync each scanner, one after the other, to add the counts together.
5. Use Inventory Tools > Unreconciled Locations to review and reconcile the location.
Use the Crossreference feature to add a barcode to an existing product. Crossreferences can also be added whenever the scanner displays the Add Crossreference option.
1. Click Master Files.
2. Click Crossreference.
3. Scan the barcode to be used for the crossreference.
4. Select the Category. Select ALL to list all products in alphabetical order or use the Category and/or Subcategory drop-downs to filter the product list and reduce the items displayed.
5. Begin typing the product name to filter or select the product from the drop-down.
6. Click Yes or No to confirm or deny the crossreference.
7. Scan the barcode of the next product to continue adding crossreferences.
8. Datasync the scanner to download the crossreferences to the database. Note: Saved crossreferences will not show as Transactions to DataSync on the Main Menu screen.
9. Datasync all other scanners to upload the new crossreferences.
The list of Clear Sky Vendor integrations will continue to grow as new vendors are added. Contact to find out if an integration with your vendor is pending or if an integration can be established.
Contact or to let us know that you are interested in adding a Vendor integration to your account.
The list of Clear Sky interfaces will continue to grow as new systems are added. Contact to find out if an interface with your system is pending or if an interface can be established.
Clubessential, Clubsystems Group
Contact or to let us know that you are interested in adding a system interface to your account.